Our Community at Approach

A new year approaches us, and with that, we want to take the time to highlight our beautiful...

How Volunteering Can Help Improve Your English and Career

Volunteering is a great way to improve your English and your career, and it comes in many forms.

Football Vocabulary

OK, you've been living in this country for some time now, and you've probably noticed that the most...

13 Holiday Movies & TV Episodes To Watch This Weekend

I love this time of year! Late Fall to early Winter is called “the Holiday Season” duringwhich...

The Benefits of Reading Out Loud

Many people have told me that reading books is good. Well, I kind of agree with that statement....

How to Practice Listening

How can I improve my listening skills? This question is one of the most asked questions I have...

Why can't I use my cellphone to access online classes?

I know, I know. We love our cellphones, I know!

TOEFL vs. IELTS: Which is better?

“Should I take TOEFL or IELTS?” and “Which one is better?” seem to be perennial questions of many...

Going from the Metric System to the Imperial System in the United States

When I was a child, I sat at the 3rd desk in the 3rd row in Miss Sullivan’s 3rd-grade class. One...

Global Understanding From an ESL Teacher

Take every chance to learn from others!