Student Blog Contest Winners Spring 2023 (Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate): ''What Does Success Mean to You?''


Ludmilla Oliveira Duart - Intermediate 

Success for me is to live in peace with the people that I love.

For me, success is to learn new things, live new experiences, travel the world, know new cultures, know new people and create new relationships, to know a new language. 

Success for me is to meet my husband and my dog in my house and to give a hug to them, because I love them so much. 

When I was a child, success for me was to have a big house and to be an important professional, but today, I have an apartment in Brazil; I have material things, but what makes me happy is the experiences of my life. 

There is a thing that is very important for me, and this is my health, my disposition, to be well with my mind, and have a good and strong emotional intelligence. 

When I'm stressed, I feel really bad, so success is to be happy and to be a relaxed person. Success is to be well with God and with my family. 


Natalia Silva Sena Marques - Upper-Intermediate 

I don't think there is a deep definition of success. Success is basically setting a goal and achieving it. Is it your goal to have your own house? When you get one, you will be successful. 

Do you want to have a family and take good care of your children? When you get it, it will be successful. 

Perhaps an underestimated difficulty is not being able to be ''successful'' in itself but knowing what you want. We often think we know, and we are disappointed.

My life goal is to work on something that is unthinkable, that if I'm not doing it, no one will. Just finding something like that and trying would make me feel successful, even if I fail. 



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