Lubna Mohammed

How to Raise a Trilingual Kid?!

Many parents search for a specific answer or a magic formula that will help them answer the...

Practical Financial Strategies and Tips

A lot of people struggle with managing their income and their spending. The easy access to our...

Living Abroad: The Struggle of Living Away from Home

Being away from one’s homeland and family is a tough situation. A person is struggling to adapt to...

The Force of Stress and the Choice We Make

What is stress? Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension as the body’s reaction to the...

Easy Habits that Improve your Writing Skills

Writing can be a challenge and a hard task for a lot of ESL learners. Many learners are reluctant...

How to Work on Your Pronunciation (Reasons to Be Proud of Your Accent)

When it comes to speaking a language other than your mother tongue, a person might find some...