International students achieving goals and dreams in the U.S.

Four women, four different people, four different backgrounds but with one common objective: to succeed in the United States. Lucianna, Gabriela, Fabiana, and Priscilla, are proof that learning English is just the first step in one's journey abroad. They are examples of strong women who came to the United States to improve their English and found opportunities greater than they expected. All of them are former students at Approach who improved their English, completed our advanced programs, and recently graduated from one of our college partners. In this article, they will share the struggles they have faced throughout their journey and their best strategies to overcome them. 

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What do they have in common?
They are International Women achieving their goals and dreams in the U.S.!

  • Focus and determination; the secret sauce to success!

Lucianna Buratto is a Brazilian woman who graduated with a Master of Science in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Anna Maria College, one of our college partners. When she arrived in U.S.her English level was 1B, she could not even put some words together in a sentence and was not able to understand anything. However, with focus and determination, she managed to enjoy the process. In the beginning, going to college was not one of her priorities, but when she got an opportunity to work on campus at Approach, something inside her changed. Working in the Academic and Career Advising department, she learned that could be possible. “Approach assisted, supported, and motivated me all the way through my transition to college. My advisor could see me doing that before I could. And that was when my journey at Anna Maria College started ”.

  • What did she overcome?

For Lucianna, the most significant challenge was working on her confidence and worries regarding her English. She was concerned about being able to express her opinions, and if the instructors and classmates would understand her pronunciation. Fortunately, she realized that should be more confident and that nobody needs to be perfect. Lucianna states that professors appreciate international students. “They admire people like us that come to a different country, learn a new language, and attend a college". 

  • What is her advice? 

Lucianna’s advice for all of you is to enjoy the time you have at Approach learning as much English as you can. You are going to be thankful for this time in the future. Once you are in college, open up your mind and heart for all the experiences studying in a college will bring you. Allow yourself to participate in the events, clubs, and enjoy all the benefits that college offers you. “Do not be afraid of making mistakes and asking for help; do your best, always! Be confident, do not underestimate your potential! Be hopeful and optimistic for what is yet to come. And be proud of your courage and who you have become”.  

"I wish you an incredible experience on your college journey!"

- Lu Buratto

  • When the impossible becomes possible!

Gabriela Santana or just Gabi, as you may know, recently got her bachelor's degree from Southern New Hampshire University. It's a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a concentration in Business. When she arrived here in the U.S. she did not know any English. Gabi was frustrated at the beginning because she could not communicate with people. She started studying English at Approach at the 2A level, but she decided to put aside her shyness, and on a daily basis, applied all the new vocabulary she was learning. Gabi was not afraid of making mistakes and fully immersed herself in this experience abroad. After three months, she was already able to communicate and realized that could accomplish so many things in life by improving her English. “I felt a feeling of freedom, it was like a world of possibilities opening for me". 

  • What did she overcome?

For Gabi, the biggest challenge was to manage her busy schedule and her energy level to be able to keep up with all of her responsibilities. She was studying English, attending college, and working at the same time. “I had to sacrifice a lot of things over the course of three years to get where I am today. Every sacrifice I made was worth it, and I would do it all over again”. The same as Lucianna, she also faced an internal battle against herself: lack of confidence. Gabi had to work on building it and she realized that her English was enough. What mattered were the characteristics that she could bring to the table: knowledge, traits, skills, personality, and her perspective of the world. “As an immigrant and woman, I have been able to accomplish more than a lot of people who had considerably more resources and investments than I had”. 

  • What is her advice? 

Gabi strongly believes that your age, gender, resources, and nationality do not define your real potential and the things you can accomplish in life. Only you can limit yourself, nobody else! If you have a dream, don't give excuses to continue in your comfort zone, instead, consider the reasons to keep going one step at a time. “My advice for you is to believe that you can do it, to look for the right information and guidance, so you can make informed and smart decisions along your journey, and be courageous to take the next step.” 

"Don't compare your journey to others, try to focus on your mission and purpose, and you will see that hard work pays off!"

- Gabi Santana.

  • There is no magic moment! Go ahead and do not give up on your dreams!

Fabiana de Mira is also Brazilian, and she got her Master of Education at Cambridge College last year and is also a teacher here with us. In 2016, when she arrived in the U.S, she could communicate well enough, because she was already teaching English as a foreign language in her home country. There in Brazil, she used to teach middle and high school students, but she ended up not speaking a lot of English because classes were crowded and the learning is very basic in public schools. She took the TOEFL program at Approach and then decided to transfer to college. But in the beginning, it all seemed like a long road to travel from her reality at that time.

  • What did she overcome?

For Fabiana, the first semester was harder. In the first days, professors already gave the whole course agenda with a lot of readings and tasks. She had to organize and manage her schedule to accomplish what was asked of the students. Everything was new, and going back to academic life, especially in a different language, was a challenge. Despite it all, she made it! 

  • What is her advice? 

As a teacher, she often heard from students they are not ready to attend college. Most of the time, because they think their English level is not that good, and are afraid of it. Her advice is; do not wait for the magic moment of being “fluent” to happen! “When you go to college, you are going to have a different experience, will see a lot of international students and realize that nobody is perfect”. Fabiana believes that sometimes you may feel nervous, cry and think about giving up. But here is the thing, that is normal, you just need to go on. “Do not give up, give it a try, and be focused”. 

"You are here, if you [have] this opportunity, just go! It's going to be wonderful, you are going to grow a lot."

- Fabiana de Mira. 

  • Woman, biracial and immigrant. Do not let people label you! 

Priscilla Steinhauer is a biracial Brazilian woman, she recently graduated with a Master of Science in Civil Engineering at Merrimack College, one of our special college partners. When she arrived in the U.S., her English level was 1B. Her listening was her most advanced skill; Priscilla was able to watch TV and understand what people were talking about in English. But she did not know how to use grammar properly and her speaking was very basic as well. At a certain point, she wanted more than just learning English, so she started researching how it would be possible for her, as an international student, to transfer her credits and get approved to pursue a Master’s Degree. “Participating in college fairs at Approach made my path to college easier”.

  • What did she overcome?

For Priscilla, the biggest challenge was the number of assignments that Professors used to give as homework. The classes were intense since she was a full-time student. She thought that English would be her biggest roadblock, but it was not. Furthermore, she had to face doubts and assumptions  from the chair of the Civil Engineering Department before starting college. "They told me that as an immigrant, even if one day I had a Green Card, it would be impossible for me to get a job and work as a Civil Engineer in this country". Priscilla thought about giving up, but she did not. "I finished college, and I got hired to be a Civil Engineer and Project Manager in less than a week after graduating".  

  • What is her advice? 

Priscilla is proof that the path is not easy, but going to college as an international student is not impossible. "You are more than capable of attending college in the United States if it is your dream". She believes that doing research and having someone to advise helps a lot. "I would like to have my achievement used as inspiration to others. I am a woman, immigrant, and half black who graduated with a Master’s of Science in Civil Engineering and got hired [by] an American company". 

"If I let my fear stop me from attending college, I would not be here. Believe in yourself, work hard, and you are going to accomplish your goals."

-  Priscilla Steinhauer

When you look at those inspiring stories, how do you feel? At this point, we hope their testimonies have taught you that your goals and dreams can be reached if you decide to work hard. We want to share with everyone that no matter what challenges and adversities you face in life, you can overcome them.

Imagine yourself in the future, because This could be you! Our counselors are ready to hold your hand and guide you. Send us an email at if you need help with anything.

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